Transition Site/Directory - Former IRRT / RRT Members
Kristin Rivas
Certified Hypnotist | Amen Clinic Brain Health Coach | Certified RRT Specialist
Kristin Rivas takes people on life-changing journeys, all within the comfort of their own homes, via Telehealth sessions and a course she’s created called Connection to Purpose. She has assisted thousands of clients to live purpose driven, healthy, joyful lives through her work as a Hypnotherapist, Amen Clinic Certified Brain Health Coach, and Rapid Resolution Therapy Specialist. Her healing career began in 2009 after she recovered from a debilitating case of Conversion Disorder. As a mental health advocate, TEDx presenter, and keynote speaker, Kristin has made a massive positive impact on over 1.5 million people’s lives. Visit to learn more about her story, mission, and services.
Year Began in Profession:
Years Studied RRT (prior to joining Moving Forward):
Contact Info
Adults, Video Meetings Only, Comprehensive RRT Sessions, English Speaker